Monday, October 22, 2012

Australia Part 13 - Travel notes. Australia!

Travel notes. Australia! (Video in Russian)

North Australian continent - here is Australia's wilderness, its impenetrable tropical, amazing eucalyptus forests and incredible waterfalls found in the most unexpected places. Dmitry Krylov visit Australian National Reserve "Cockatoo".

Once upon a time - another 50 000 years ago - to land the first humans arrived in Australia! What memories of these people have left their offspring, what mystery? You'll find out, just watch this video. At the end of his tour of Australia with Dmitry Krylov, we plunged into the depths of the sea - there is a surprisingly large coral reef, called the "Great Barrier Reef". According to its length this reef is more than 2,000 miles!

Good morning. I do not know about you, but I'm looking forward to the journey, because we are waiting for Australia. We opened it during auto-crossing local roads and were delighted! Seems to have played a role, and the fact that in such a rally, we participate for the first time, so we were glad that Autoruns as children, and the fact that the first time we were in Australia, which we literally captivated by its diversity.

Perhaps, it is incorrect to compare the way, but still - this surprisingly far "Continent Kangaroo" I'd remind Russia. But, in fact Russia - this Kamchatka, and its suburbs, this Baikal and the beautiful Black Sea coast, this Arctic and Don steppes. So our Australia - there and glaciers, and deserts, and tropical reefs and the giant, but here in Australia, all the way around, as if turned on its head. Eternal snow in Australia in the south, and tropical forests, on the contrary - in the north, well, that happens sometimes.

Despite the very large number of the finest beaches on the continent of Australia, a beach holiday is not a major "bait" for those who come to this country. And indeed, because in order to spread out impressively with his body under a palm tree by the ocean, there is no need to overcome such vast distances and also quite a lot of money to pay for the flight. So numerous and spectacular beaches of Australia are mostly deserted, but apparently why? Because in Australia often do not go for the beaches, and the adventures - because here are the best places for real travelers! And the best place for adventure - is the northern territory of Australia with remarkable and unspoiled nature.

It has everything - the endless Bushes, eucalyptus and many forests, impenetrable mangroves and unexpected waterfalls, rivers and swamps teeming with crocodiles, dry desert in the middle of which rises as if thrown out of heaven, holy and mysterious Uluru, or Ayers Rock.

In his trip to the reserve "Kakadu" We set out from the town of Darwin, named after the renowned scientist and traveler, "antiquity" of Darwin, whose ancestors have taken place, as you know, from the apes.

Park "Kakadu" stretches for 250 kilometers from north to south, and we were armed with: car, rented, and a map of the reserve. It's amazing, but even those who are suffering "spatial idiocy" is not lost in this large and uninhabited space, because the map of the reserve is made so easy to understand that the chances of get lost in the desert dirt road just does not leave. Map is similar to the way the scheme of the Moscow metro, right?
Despite the signs, speed limit, almost no one does not observe the speed limit, and true - but why? For tens of kilometers around the people or cars, let alone the police, the only obstacle - it's a kangaroo, occasionally crossing the road. And so that's a meeting at a high speed for both sides can be fatal. Now I understand where and why invented the "kengooryatniki."

According to the local woods, you can safely walk alone, it's a strange feeling, but it is really nothing to fear - there is practically no animal that could attack a person. I say "almost" because theoretically probably still possible to meet, for example, a cassowary, which is able to kick his legs to strut his stomach unsympathetic man, romantic walks - as I do - in the woods. Or say you can come across a hungry crocodile, a log lying on the bank of the river, in a moment comes to life and kills the victim. In the next moment ...

But if you follow the rules and time needed to read the warning signs, it is likely to be all right and everything will live. By the way is hard to imagine a trip somewhere in the African savannah - it is strictly forbidden to tourists, even out of the car, let alone go for a walk with an experienced and armed ranger - well, this is simply unacceptable. Of course, the wildlife - this is not a zoo, where you are interested in small animals prudently hung on branches, grazing on the lawns, beautifully laid out among the rocks.

See the whole game in the nature - it is fortunate that not everyone falls. I've been dropped, but I'm not everyone, I'm sharing it with you with the whole of his great generosity and gentle heart, like Ostap Bender. Travelers staying at the park campgrounds - is quite comfortable home in the wild. The only disadvantage - is screaming from dawn to dusk vile voices cockatoo, their cries are like Avdotya Nikitichna unforgettable laugh, but it is possible to count and plus because we are in Australia, where many wild cockatoo.

But these "skyscrapers" clearly moved - in one such termitary prescribed to hundreds of thousands of residents, and they are so greedy that they eat everything, even the concrete, and it is a real problem if the house is infested termites, and then the house there and then put up for sale until it is finally eaten.

Once we entered the forest, as witnessed the horror - first impulse was, of course, out of the car and try to put this disaster, but it was impossible. We returned to camp, and I ran to the square eyes camping employees' need to call the fire, perhaps even aircraft. " I listened and calmly explained that we must accept, that no one puts out the fire, and the forest burns almost, not every month, and ignition occurs suddenly and spread rapidly.

During a drought, fire destroys large areas of the forest, but this is a natural disaster, with which people cope not yet in force. And only if it can serve as some consolation, it is that, in contrast to Europe and especially from Russia, a fire occurs is not caused by man. And with that - doubtful - consolation, we went on our way to the national park for the funny name "Kakadu".

And this is one of the most beautiful and romantic, in my opinion, excursions in the Park of Kakadu. Getting up before dawn, tourists come to this unusual cruise. Shortly before sunrise, the boat sets off on this strange terrain. Tolley is a bog, felts of the lake? With the first rays of the sun, these marshes are transformed into the magical beauty of the world, it varies, wakes, comes to life on our astonished eyes.

In these moments is amazing dawn silence, as if all the teams are just waiting to be allowed to squeak, tweet, snort, splash water. Even our boat inexplicably moved almost silently. And we - sitting in it - too little to breathe, but this Daybreak idyll does not last. Wishing to have breakfast and start attacking someone crocodile once your typical day in the swamps. His shot was so fast that almost none of the filming and photographing, do not have time to clear this point. That's an evil creature immediately destroyed all the romantic charm of the dawn ...

Swamp awake, and seethe marsh life, someone is stalking someone, fed, educated, loved, ate, after all. Tourists come to this tour early: get up before dawn in the 4 - 5 in the morning, so some of the beauty of the wakes, like this old man. Oh, wake up, already tour ends, sir. And to you, so you do not fall asleep - it's time to shake things up a commercial break.

We continue our tour of Kakadu Park, which is located in the north-east Australia. Here, these bizarre rocks and stones tourists gather closer to sunset. But so naturally arranged that all the most important, interesting and beautiful is in, or at dawn, or at the end of the day. But I was, frankly, more interesting than the sunset, was to watch the assembled audience. Watch as these people, albeit briefly, becomes a friend - changed expression, his eyes became thoughtful, and everything was done very beautiful.

Fifty thousand years ago, these virgin territory came first people - the Australian Aborigines, the "children of nature" - they lived according to the laws that dictate this unkind land. The largest intervention in nature, they permit themselves - is hunting and gathering herbs and roots. Among these rocks and huge boulders, they fled from the withering heat and other misfortunes of nature. The only visible mark that the tribes left in the world - these rock paintings. On some of these scientists are still scratching their heads at each other. Although other scientists without pictures and comments are equally well understood and the Japanese manager and a student from Oklahoma, I mean - Rock pornography.

By the way this style of rock art today is called "X-ray": visible not only shape, but also the detailed anatomy. Well, the unit of fish and animals natives, of course, know, and that's where he was known more human anatomy? And here is the explicit images of "Aliens", which gives reason to believe - our planet visited by aliens, but aliens are not only left petroglyphs in the performance of the local "Blue Noses", but literally left their marks, which shows what size they were!

They say that if you look at the Earth from space, you can see two of the greatest works ever created by living creatures - is the Great Wall of China, which two thousand years ago created the man and the Great Barrier Reef, which is 18 million years ago of coral. It is the largest coral reef in the world, it is spread over more than two thousand kilometers from Papua New Guinea to the southern tropics! Hence the claims Australians what to call it the world's largest living organism.

On a visit to this unique giant tourists go from Port Douglas. One and a half hours on a comfortable sailing ship tourists land on the floating platform, which is located on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. This platform - the starting place for those who choose to scuba dive, and for those who simply arm with a mask with flippers, and for those wishing to fly around the reef in a helicopter.

Alas, it's hard to believe, but in the near future of this unique area for eradication - experts predict the Great Barrier Reef a quick death. Yes, yes, they did neoptimistichnym forecasts because of ocean pollution and global warming, the Great Barrier Reef may be destroyed by 2050. So it can happen that your grandchildren or great-grandchildren would not see this wonder of nature.

Remember a while ago, scientists predicted the destruction of the future snow cap on top of Kilimanjaro? So that's what the scientists were wrong! In the sense that the snow cap on Mount Kilimanjaro has disappeared, though they believed it had to happen much later. So the Great Barrier Reef - is as much of Last Things, as the snow disappeared Kilimanjaro ... Hurry to see!

Fish are not afraid of swimmers swim literally next to just "fish" equanimity. Around the beau monde - there is butterfly fish, blennies, along the way, and the fish was biting breeze and human "carcass" and bright semipolosnye wrasses - Marine medics, trepang - sea cucumbers. Here there are starfish, printed 40 years ago to a catastrophic population that divers even made them injections with formalin. In general - not just anyone here? Although there is, for example, sharks - they can not get through the reef, so the swim, well, at least in the fenced off area is safe.

Four hours of communication with the reef pass like a flash, and even though it's just a well-established and well-organized tourist attraction, and seen only a small piece of a huge reef life, but on returning home can be proud to tell friends, "I saw the Great Barrier Reef!"

Our fifteen minutes passed like an instant, at least, for me, because I left feeling nedorasskazannosti - there is material if you have a sense of light, "malnutrition" of the transmission, and it's better than over-saturation, right?

Then we met a week later is inevitable, and then we go to Chile, the legendary Patagonia, which I first heard from the Paganel. Remember the "Children of Captain Grant"? Or familiarity with the classics for you to finish "Kashtanka"? Joke. Of course, you all read and remember everything, so I'm with you oh how easy, but I am drawn to you, so I'll go study the "moo-moo". Well, bye. Your neighbor is a scientist - DK (Dmitry Krylov).

The film was shot LLC "Travel Tips" on the order of "First Channel", Russia, in 2008.

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